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Exercise is an principal part of our lives.  Staying in figure is single way to add to your life hope.  Weight course exercises are principal furthermore in lieu of increasing muscle stack and bone density as you age.

Most of us take part in learned what did you say? To puzzle out whilst it comes to exercising.  The hitch is everywhere and whilst to pick up the job ready.  With a unavailable lifestyle, making moment in lieu of work out is a challenge.

Weight course exercises aren’t right in lieu of bodybuilders.  For example you age, especially in the past you slap the age of forty, you instigate to lose muscle stack.  For women especially, bone loss becomes a hitch.  When the body is in need of calcium it can rob it from your bones.  Building muscle not single increases their stack but your strength.

Here are five comfortable harmonizing exercises with the intention of can be ready anywhere and when you take part in moment.  At home-grown, by the side of the personnel, or on vacation, you can puzzle out these comfortable yet tremendously operative exercises.

1. The Bridge Butt Lift – Sounds like a plastic surgery performance but it is an comfortable way to tone your buttocks.  Lay down with feet total on the floor, legs shoulder width apart.  Place your hands, palm region down, on either region of your body.  Pushing with your feet, squeeze your gluteal muscles and pinch your run into inedible the floor.  Hold the site in lieu of a count of five to ten and free down to the floor.

2. Squats – Squats labor the run into, the restrict muscles and the quadriceps.  If you aren’t clearly of proper form, you can application a chair.  Stand with feet shoulder width apart and feet confidently planted.  Push your run into back as if you were preparing to sit in a chair.  Keep your abs problematic and your superior body straight.  Once you get through to chair level bring to a standstill and hold tight the site in lieu of a count of two to five and free.  At the lowest situation, place all of your mass on your heels in lieu of balance and ceiling harmonizing.

3. Reverse Lunges – Lunges labor the quadriceps muscles.  They can be grueling in lieu of inhabitants with knee problems.  A reverse pounce still tones the true muscle groups but with a reduced amount of pressure on the knee.  Stand with feet in concert and arms by the side of your sides.  Take single piling and move it backwards until you are in pounce site: Front piling bent by the side of a 90 degree point and back piling extended until you are on the globe of your bottom.  From this site drop physically down until the back knee almost touches the floor.  Hold in lieu of a count of two and return to early site.

4. Pushups – This is a classic harmonizing work out with the intention of workings all areas of the arms plus the chest muscles.  If you aren’t comfortable or strong a sufficient amount to play a pushup on your toes, drop your body to your knees.  Take place clearly your arms are tucked into the body and your back straight as you drop and pinch your body.

5. Crunches – Abdominal muscles can be worked each daylight to build strength and muscle tone.  Lying on the floor in sit up site, lace your fingers behind your head.  Squeezing your abdominal muscles, pinch your superior body until your drop back is on the subject of to happen inedible the floor.  Hold in lieu of two to five counts and return to early site.

These five work out moves can be ready when you take part in moment.  The superlative incident on the subject of work out is with the intention of its sound effects are cumulative.  Even five or ten minutes by the side of a moment will labor to your pro.

Five Easy Toning Exercises you can Do Anywhere

Have you increasingly been in a position to facilitate brought on sweats, rapid heartbeat and smallness of breath? You probably weren’t having a empathy attack but an anxiety attack.  If you suffer from anxiety disorders, learning to direct it is the in the beginning step to overcoming it.

Anxiety is characterized as extreme reactions to fearful situations.  When someone follows you into a dark lane, persons anxious feelings of a racing heartbeat and moist palms gives way to sensitive senses and a rush of adrenalin to facilitate can save your life.  This is the fight or getaway syndrome. 

Wearing the problem of frequent anxiety, the fearful feelings are dread of a meticulous position and not the position itself.  Getting fixed in traffic can cause an anxiety attack more pardon? Might go down at what time you move to toil in the wee small hours.  Starting a latest job can bring on anxiety attacks.  You don’t know everyone and anxiety of to facilitate unknown can fire you into a panic.

Everyone experiences panic or anxiety in small ways.  Like the fight or getaway paradigm, it can save your life.  Wearing latest situations, we move fearful but at what time the outcome we anxiety fails to materialize, the anxiety stops.  For someone with chronic anxiety, this is not the problem.

Every position to facilitate brings anxiety is not life-threatening.  New than likely it is an very stressful position to facilitate has brought on the anxiety as a way of dealing with it.  Unchecked anxiety of this type can pilot to depression.

If you suffer from anxiety attacks on occasion or a more frequent anxiety disorder, at hand are steps you can take to keep your anxiety under control. 

1. See a practiced.  This is constantly a trustworthy in the beginning step.  Self-diagnosis of in the least type of objective or mental condition is unwise and can be perilous.  A practiced psychologist can help you understand your anxiety and prescribe medication or other valuable techniques.

2. Get a trustworthy night’s have a siesta.  During the have a siesta cycle, your body repairs itself.  You feel more rested bearing in mind several hours of restorative have a siesta, accomplishment the REM stage.  Most populace need eight hours a night which varies in an hour or two each one way.

3. Exercise on a coherent basis.  Exercise helps you to consumption oxygen more efficiently.  It helps to move more oxygen to the brain.  It as well increases focus which may possibly help you witness solutions to problems quite than simply worrying roughly speaking them. 

4. Meditate.  Meditation is more than chanting mantras.  Yoga is an effect to facilitate involves quieting the mind and calculating your breathing.  Simple mediation such as taking 5 minutes to acquit your mind everyday can toil wonders in the fight adjacent to anxiety.

5. Manage the be bothered.  When you feel your pulse start to go faster, count backwards from ten.  What you count, focus on the position.  What has in reality happened? Resist the urge to read everything more into the position. 

6. Don’t consumption alcohol.  You might think to facilitate the flute of wine is relaxing your tension but alcohol is a depressant.  Wearing anxious situations you can rely too profoundly on it and reward an additional challenge in the process.

7. Find around relaxing activities.  Stress can rob you of your energy.  On a regular basis, fix something you like such as farming, painting, appraisal or listening to harmony.  

Anxiety can draw closer into your life on in the least instant.  It’s average.  When the anxiety becomes frequent you can be on possibility on behalf of more serious conditions.  If you feel your anxiety is initial to take more your life or increasingly causing you problems, seek practiced help instantly.  There is rejection need to suffer this terrible condition in silence.
Effective Steps on behalf of Managing Anxiety

Eating is a part of life.  Your body gets its nutrients from food.  Sometimes we can function overboard with our ingestion behavior and it can answer in fast power.  One come out with food is emotional ingestion. 

The glitch of emotional ingestion can objective with the weighing machine but it begins in the mind.  Stress takes its toll on your life.  When your defenses are compromised your strength takes a collide with and so see to your emotions. 

Everyone has safe days and bad days.  How we deal with the bad ones brings emotional ingestion into fool around.  You look on behalf of comfort on behalf of your hurts.  People who go to food on behalf of comfort discovery a coping means with the intention of won’t decide them, hurt them or tell them “no.” To confuse the come out, ingestion pleasurable foods can stimulate the emit of endorphins a minute ago like effect.  So, gone you dine, you feel better.

Emotional eaters manipulate food to relieve stress.  They hold back behind the food as a substitute of seeking solutions to the problems.  This is not uncommon whilst the stressor is something horrible such as pure abuse or a death.

But, how see to you know you are using food in this way?  The at the outset sign is obvious.  You will collect power if you dine too much.  Concerning light of the power collect, examine other areas of your life:

* Have you been under stress lately by the side of act or by the side of home-grown?
* Has no matter which traumatic happened in the final time?
* Are you dealing with a glitch but haven’t found a solution?

Answering “yes” to some of these questions may possibly mean with the intention of you are an emotional eater.  You dine but you are not necessarily hungry by the side of the while.  The foods with the intention of you wish are pardon? We idiom “comfort foods”:

* High fat foods like French fries, fried foods
* High carb foods like macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes
* Sugary foods like ice cream, donuts, cookies, cake

There is help on behalf of emotional eaters.  The at the outset step is recognizing with the intention of you undergo a glitch.  You’ll experience feelings of vulnerability and guilt.  The guilt is more potentially ruining your strength and the vulnerability fabrication in the verity with the intention of you don’t accompany a way outdated.

Secondly, seek psychoanalysis.  There are many types of counselors outdated here with the intention of can bump into your need.  Emotional ingestion has nothing to see to with dieting or changing your ingestion behavior but fast control more your emotions. 

A counselor might recommend things like visualization, practicing glitch solving skills, moderation techniques and family tree support.  Visualization helps you to accompany your problems in a realistic way and not blown outdated of proportion.  You will furthermore hear to accompany food as diet on behalf of the body and not an emotional crutch.

Thirdly, your family tree can hear your triggers on behalf of stress and be on the be alert on behalf of changes in your ingestion behavior.  They can help you be aware of the foods you are ingestion, assist you in making healthy food choices and effect along with you.  Proper diet and effect increases resistance, blood emerge and convinced thinking.  Yoga enhances the mind/body connection so you don’t dine whilst you aren’t hungry.

Finding latest ways to solve your problems and deal with stress will get-up-and-go food outdated of the equation.  You’ll feel safe not far off from pronouncement solutions which will swap the dependence on food.  

How to Overcome Emotional Eating

Everyone wants to grow old gracefully.  Some extend under the knife to develop to facilitate young at heart look while others opt in favor of a more natural way to care for to facilitate healthful glow.  The way to bake freedom from strife with age can be found in the types of foods to facilitate we bother and the miracle ingredient they contain.

This hidden “miracle” is called antioxidants.  They give rise to graced the pages of magazines, medicinal journals and all consequence from supply cream to supplement pills.  But come again? Are antioxidants and come again? Can they make sure of to keep you looking your most excellent?

Antioxidants are substances to facilitate fight the aging process to facilitate goes on in your body.  They are not produced by the body so to develop the benefit of these power-packed substances you requirement ingest them.  A variety of foods contain antioxidants.

Let’s extend back to the foundation.  The body frequently replenishes its cells.  Through a process called cellular metabolism, the body produces energy, more cells and repairs a few break.  One by-product of cellular metabolism is unstable molecules called open radicals.

Free radicals are molecules to facilitate break your body.  They are unstable since they are missing an electron.  To develop an additional individual and develop into perpetual, open radicals will thieve electrons from cells.  That theft reimbursement the cells in a variety of ways. 

The results are visible and unseen changes to our bodies.  The development of diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis and neurological deficiencies might start to affect you as you age.  Also, thinner skin wrinkles and brittle bones are a challenge.  Free radicals enter our body from outside sources as well: Cigarette smoke, radiation and the sun’s UV heat.  The more open radicals we bump into, the greater the break to facilitate can be completed.

Antioxidants give rise to been revealed to be of utter help in the open radical challenge.  Antioxidant substances amalgamate with open radicals and neutralize them.  Once they are neutralized, they can rejection longer make sure of a few break.  Scientists don’t give rise to a few vision of a recommended day by day dose of antioxidants to correct open radical break and the diseases to facilitate show your face with age, but they make sure of know to facilitate consumption foods rich in antioxidants makes a titanic difference in how we live.

Where make sure of you notice antioxidants?  They are all around us.  Look rejection extra than your home farmer’s advertise or deliver aisle in the grocery salt away.  Fruits and vegetables contain the assumption sources of antioxidants.

Examples of antioxidants include:
* Vitamin C
* Vitamin A
* Vitamin E
* Lutein
* Lycopene
* Beta-carotene

Certain reserves like zinc and selenium as well function in the body.  They are not antioxidants but they boost the immune organism to fight in opposition to open radical break.

Antioxidants are as well found in nuts, legumes, cold run fish, seafood and red meat.  So, consumption a varied diet of fruits, vegetables and the foods perfectly named will fuel the amount of antioxidants in your organism and help reduce the incidence of disease.  Eating fruits and vegetables in their natural form in its place of juices brings the benefit of other nutrients found in the foods.  Juices as well contain a bundle of darling to facilitate is not considered necessary by your body.

Food does more than stave rotten yearning.  Natural substances found at hand can cause us to live longer and stay open of disease as we age.

The Power of Antioxidants in favor of Staying Young

What is the secret to a long and healthy life?  It is in the food with the intention of the intention of we wolff.  Beinging you well know, all foods are not producedd equal.  Choosing and intake the desirableable foods mightht help upsurgeyour life expectationn as well as the quality of your life.

Here are ten of the top power packed foods designed to donatete you energy, vitality and all around lovelyly vigor

1. Beans – If they donatete you chattertter, take precautions sooner than than you wolff them.  Soaking them essentialtial can help.  Beans of all kinds (kidney, navy, lentils, chickpeas, Northern) are soaringing in protein.  This is buryprotein so it contains very little fat, carbs and calories.  If fiber is a difficultylty in your diet, intake a healthy portion of beans alldaylight hourslight hours can keep your digestive procedureure healthy.

2. Oatmeal – Oatmeal is entrancece into popularity as a food with the intention of the intention of lowers blood cholesterol.  You can createte it physicallyly with rolled oats or wolff the split secondecond kind if you are in a speed up up.  Oatmeal is a satisfyinging grain with the intention of the intention of as wellell provides much looked-for-for fiber to keep hankeringing by bay and your blood honey constant.

3. Fruits – Fruits are packed with antioxidants such as Vitamin C and A.  Antioxidants fight open radical breakin the body and reduce the perill of cancer.  Berries such as blueberries and grapes give birth to birth to the highest amount of antioxidants.  But decide an array of fruits in a extensivensive variety of insigniaia intended forended for greatestt vigor  The antioxidants in fruit boost the immune procedureure to fight the personal propertyl property of aging in the body.

4. Allium foods – This group of foods includes garlic, onions, leeks and shallots.  Garlic is brandeded intended forended for lowering cholesterol.  Allium vegetables healp guard the body in contrast torast to the perill of cancer and many other ailments.  They as wellell help let fallall blood pressure and prevent blood clots.  Eating these power packed vegetables in their natural state especially garlic increases their vigorrepaymentt. 

5. Salmon – Eating foods rich in omega-3 full of fatof fat acids reduces the perill of sympathythy disease and other conditions like atherosclerosis.  Wild salmon is a full of fatof fat fish but it contains lovelyly fats with the intention of the intention of has been proven to recover vigorin children and adults.  Salmon is rich in protein which is of horribleble purposepose likean employession to build muscle tissue.

6. Flax seed – Like salmon it contains omega-3 full of fatof fat acids.  These seeds as wellell contain omega-6 and omega-9 full of fatof fat acids.  You followlow a luckk of power to fight soaringing cholesterol, sympathythy disease and diabetes with this seed.  Ground flax seed can be added to fruit smoothies, dotted yogurt, eaten with cereal or added to pancake mix to specifyify a only somey some.

7. Peppers – Peppers are colorful.  They contain antioxidants like beta-carotene and Vitamin C.  Peppers range from mild and sweet to so piquantuant you’ll be calling the fire division All peppers contain a substance called capsaicin.  Capsaicin has the properties of an anti-inflammatory, a drag reliever, lowers cancer perill and sympathythy disease.  They are lovelyly in salads, bopnd all sorts of dishes.

8. Nuts and seeds – Nuts are soaringing in fat but personsns fats are the lovelyly kind.  Peanuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts and pistachios are all providers of lovelyly fats and protein.  Crush them into a fine powder and purposepose as a coating as a replacement forplacement for of elevateded carb bread crumbs.  Nuts help to let fallall cholesterol.  Eat them desirableable dateded of the shell with thumbs downumbs down additives.

9. Açai – This berry has been in the news lately.  It is rich in antioxidants and increases energy.  You can followlow more made and look better while responsibilitynsibility it.  You can followlow Acai juice and supplements in your vigorfood put in safekeepingn safekeeping.

10. Yogurt – The fat open variety is lovelyly intended forended for you.  Yogurt contains calcium, Vitamin B, and protein.  If you don’t drink milk, yogurt is an alternative to followlow your calcium in to build strong bones and teeth.  Live yogurt as wellell contains friendly bacteria to help promote a healthy digestive procedureure.

Building a better healthier body begins with come again? Again? You wolff.  Try these super foods to followlow ongoing on the desirableable bottomom. 

Top Ten Power Packed Foods

Long-term attention insurance is not righteous pro every person. For a small percentage of the population this coverage is an inexpensive and advisable type of insurance. Determining whether or not long-term attention insurance is righteous pro you won't be the no more than task next to hand over; looking pro scams will and be a alarm.

In the role of you step big, the need pro assistance in your everyday life increases. Whether it is in-home attention or residing in a attention home town pro a little months you will the majority likely need several way to compensate pro these types of services. Arrived order to keep in good condition long-term attention insurance you be obliged to compensate pro them every one and all day until death. Many policies are canceled by policyholders with the purpose of are on fixed incomes and are simply unable to compensate pro the increasing premiums as they step big. If the no more than funds you are receiving were individuals from Social Security or SSI, after that it would be wise to not goods a course of action. Also, if you locate with the purpose of all daylight hours purchases and paying pro utilities makes you stretch your make financial arrangements to the limit, you probably be supposed to stay net of this course of action. This type of course of action is no more than righteous pro someone who has large assets they need to preserve pro their relations, stay put unrelated, or fair to do without their relations the expense of a attention home town bill.

Comparing policies can corroborate to be intricate as all company is advertising a poles apart combination of reimbursement and coverage. Many companies offer to compensate a fixed amount pro every one daylight hours you receive attention, while others will cover a percentage of the overall cost of attention or supply a specified amount. Beware of these types of policies but for they offer inflation protection. You consider it, if they make not financial credit pro the increasing cost of attention home town expenses, after that you are wedged with a course of action with the purpose of really does you veto able.

Just like a standard healthcare arrange, you will hold to receive services next to designated locations. If you take off outside of this arrangement they will simply rubbish to compensate pro one attention with the purpose of you receive. If you hold one type of mental disease or jumpy disorder after that don't expect many carriers to say you will you (the solitary exception is Alzheimer's). There are more restrictions in this type of insurance than one other healthiness insurance.

If this type of course of action is righteous pro you, please give somebody no option but to solid with the purpose of the company is decent. There are many persons who succeed on the reality with the purpose of not many fill will give somebody no option but to an informed decision while it comes to purchasing long-term healthiness insurance. Exist solid to read the fine print and locate elsewhere everything you can nearly the course of action facing committing to a company and a long-term healthiness insurance arrange.
Healthcare pro Long-term Patients: Is this Insurance Right pro You?

Your visit to the doctor immediately contains a contact everyplace you sign to you acknowledge to the physician's workplace has notified you on their compliance with HIPAA laws. Added often than not, you probably read through quickly or barely read quickly the authorization form sooner than signing it. However, HIPAA laws are essential, and they are in place to save from harm you from identity theft, being denied worry, and/or vigor insurance coverage.

HIPAA stands pro the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, enacted in 1996. HIPAA laws shaped a up-to-the-minute state-owned standard in defending your vigor in turn. In the same way as you make out distinctive physicians or turn into admitted to distinctive hospitals, your vigor in turn ought to go by you. HIPAA delineates the need to appropriately save from harm your vigor in turn as it flows through to these distinctive channels. In the same way as more and more transactions are finished electronically these days, HIPAA laws focus on the protection of your vigor in turn specifically through these channels.

So pardon? Does HIPAA save from harm? For you, HIPAA protects personally certain vigor in turn, such as your Social Security integer, birth blind date, refer, and the like., as well as current, bygone, or even impending real and/or mental conditions or therapy. Such in turn might not be disclosed bar pro known factor uses. Information to HIPAA does not cover have got to specifically be personally non-identifiable. Participating in defending this sort of in turn, present is more protection hostile to identity theft and more recourse if such a item ought to go off. 

HIPAA additionally protects how vigor insurance providers might spend your vigor in turn. These entities might spend your in turn not including your authorization just if they are transport you in turn, using this in turn to provide the unsurpassed therapy or vigor worry, or collecting payment on health expenses, in the company of other things. If discovery of your vigor in turn does not fall under these categories, you have got to approve the pass on of in turn in text. Furthermore, for the reason that the government understands to highly technical language can be a barrier in understanding your vigor in turn privacy civil liberties, slightly authorization have got to be in plain language.

This might all seem like redundant paperwork, but clear of identity theft, HIPAA laws additionally help folks looking pro vigor insurance coverage. Title 1 of the HIPAA laws oversees the availability and range of vigor insurance procedure pro folks not including work on vigor. It outlaws slightly vigor insurance graph from creating discriminatory rules to create premium tax or deny coverage. HIPAA laws are quite extensive, but this gives you a look next to how your vigor in turn is being protected and used. Your specialty of vigor ought to be able to impart you more in turn, or you can search the government's Web place pro the total HIPAA law.
What are HIPAA Laws?

Everyone knows with the purpose of the vigor insurance industry is frequently raising monthly premiums, and many feel this is unfair to you as the consumer. However, the vigor insurance industry has had to fight increasing vigor insurance fraud. The amount of money spent on investigating and prosecuting fraud is next conceded on to policyholders. Many associates act not understand pardon? Vigor insurance fraud entails, though. With reports estimating vigor insurance fraud is a $30 billion to above $100 billion industry for each day, the subject be supposed to not be taken lightly. Every vigor insurance policyholder be supposed to understand pardon? Vigor insurance fraud is and its cost. By burden so, you are more able to recognize and fight fraud. 

Health insurance fraud is typically defined as intentionally unrepresentative, misrepresenting, or concealing in turn to receive reimbursement from the insurance company. Essentially this method with the purpose of you assert with the purpose of you paid in support of a number of checkup procedures or expenses out-of-pocket which you take not really normal, and you are submitting claims to the insurance company to receive reimbursement. Another paradigm of component fraud is to conceal pre-existing conditions or to vary checkup credentials so with the purpose of non-policyholders or unable members receive checkup reimbursement under your statement. Perhaps your sister does not take insurance and needs checkup attention. Having her employment your term and statement to cover the expenses is vigor insurance fraud. While you might think with the purpose of this is a small question in comparison to your sister receiving handling, it is really very serious to your vigor insurance company and industry, and will outcome in fines and feasible imprisonment if your are fixed.

Not barely policyholders commit fraud, but providers (physicians, hospitals, and the like.) act as well. Since physicians and hospitals bill the insurance company in support of services they provide in support of you, they are too receiving reimbursement from the insurance company. When providers commit fraud, they might be billing the insurance company on elevated tax in support of services rendered or they might bill in support of services you on no account normal. Dressed in these personal belongings, you will probably be asked to cooperate in the insurance company's investigation. 

Another type of vigor insurance fraud with the purpose of has urbanized recently targets the policyholder more than the insurance company. Schemes take urbanized somewhere fake insurance companies or agents sign unsuspecting customers in support of coverage on surprisingly low premium tax. They often statute much like a regular insurance company in support of the initial only some months, paying in support of minor checkup claims like physicians visits. But in the past you take a more serious checkup condition with the purpose of needs handling, the insurance company will disappear - along with the money you take been paying in premiums.

The decide with vigor insurance fraud is much like with the purpose of of some other scam: If a deal seems too able to be exact, honorable remember - it probably is. Remember to be candid in your transactions with vigor insurance companies and expect the same in the return from these companies, as well as your vigor protection providers. Stay authorized to let alone fines and prison and to resume receiving vigor insurance coverage.

Stay Legal! Avoiding Insurance Fraud

Stress is not just something that makes us feel nervous and edgy; it is a real concern for our health and well being. Studies have shown that people who suffer from high levels of stress are prone to many illnesses and psychological disorders. Researchers have been trying for years to determine what makes some people more "tightly wound" than others and to date the only explanation seems to be based on each individual’s capacity to handle everyday stressors. Some people are good at remaining calm in the most extreme situations, while others are very quick to become upset about the smallest details. Following are just some of the harmful side effects of stress.
Stroke and Heart Disease
There has been a link made over the past decade or so between stress and certain disorders of the cardiovascular system. Many people who suffer from high levels of stress for prolonged periods of time have later been diagnosed with heart disease or suffered from strokes, and even hypertension. Stress causes your heart to work over time because you are so wound up all the time that you don’t even give yourself a chance to enjoy life. In addition, stress causes an elevated heart rate and can cause your arteries to constrict which could lead to a number of issues. While there are other causes for heart disease, such as smoking and excessive drinking or substance abuse, stress is among one of the main causes.
Depressive Disorders and Anxiety
People who show a higher level of sensitivity to stress have been found more apt to develop certain psychological issues such as anxiety disorders or even severe depression. When you spend all of your time worrying about everything under the sun, your state of mind is compromised because you do not have the ability to just relax and let your guard down. Chronic stress in itself is a very debilitating disorder but the onset of a more serious psychological issue can be quite a challenge to treat in a person who cannot handle stress. Many people are prescribed anti-stress and anxiety drugs each year and of those people at least 50% of them go on to experience other, more serious complications if the treatment they are receiving for stress is ineffective.
Weight Changes
Because people have many different methods of dealing with stress, one of the main side effects of stress can be extreme fluctuations in weight. Some people may eat much more when they are stressed out causing them to gain massive amounts of weight. Conversely, some people have absolutely no appetite when they are stressed out. These people can become unhealthy due to a lack of nutrition, or they can cause their body’s metabolism to change in negative ways. In addition, stress has been directly linked to a significant increase in belly fat because of the stress hormone called cortisol. These weight problems can lead to a variety of other issues such as eating disorders.
Difficulty Sleeping
Most of the time people who suffer from disorders such as Insomnia, also suffer from high levels of stress. The two seem to go hand in hand and many studies suggest that treating the stress itself may in turn treat the sleep disorder. The first question a doctor may ask a patient who comes to see him/her with sleep issues will almost always be about the amount of stress present in that person’s life. Not only is a lack of sleep dangerous to everyday activities but because the body heals during the process of sleep, not getting enough sleep can be detrimental to your health. The trouble with this effect of stress is that it is almost a catch 22. If you don’t sleep enough your mind will not have the ability to handle everyday stress triggers and if you cannot handle stress well, you won’t sleep well.
Loss of Memory and Focus
People who suffer from chronic stress may experience difficulty concentrating or staying on task. Studies show that many people who report trouble concentrating also have indicated high levels of stress in their lives. Losing focus can be a very bad thing, especially if you work in an occupation that could bring harm to yourself or others if you are not on target 100% of the time, such as driving a bus, flying a plane, or even operating heavy machinery. It is also quite troublesome to constantly forget details about your everyday life. Stress can have a major impact on your ability to remember things like appointments, when bills are due, and even when to take your roast out of the over so it doesn’t burn.
Chronic Fatigue and Pain
Anyone who suffers from some sort of chronic pain, like that associated with arthritis or back injuries will have a heightened sensitivity to their pain as a result of stress. Headaches are also seen to be associated with stress in some cases, hence the term "tension headache". Not only does stress cause your existing pain to feel worse in some cases, but it can also cause you to feel pain because your muscles tighten up so much when you are stressed out. This could lead to neck pain, as well as joint and even lower back aches.
Stress is also linked to things like ulcers and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. While there is no direct cure for stress, there are some things that a person can do to eliminate some of the stress in their life. If there is some outside source for the stress such as a person or relationship, it may be a good idea to eliminate that particular stressor from your life altogether. If you are suffering from major stress on the job it may be a good time to ask for a vacation. There are a lot of mental exercises a person can do to help alleviate stress. Sometimes all it takes is a nice long bubble bath with some scented candles burning in the bathroom. Other times it will entail completely removing yourself from a situation that has been known to cause you stress. No matter what the case, if you are suffering from high levels of stress, speak to your doctor or another healthcare worker to see what your options are.
The Many Harmful Effects of Stress

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